Saturday, April 11, 2009

Letter of the Week Vv

Here is our first letter of the week video. We couldn't find lots of things in our classroom for the letter Vv. Can you think of anything else we could have taken photos of or found photos of on the internet? Ms F

Letter of the Week Bb

We have a new letter to learn each week at school. We took turns to take photos of things in our classroom that started with B this week and put together a video in photostory. We had lots of fun recording the audio too! Can you think of any other objects that start with the letter Bb that we could have used? We like getting new ideas! Ms F

Healthy Eating

Room 8 are learning about Healthy Eating. We are going to watch this clip and discuss whether it makes us feel more like eating healthily. Watch this space for some of our comments! And let us know how you feel after watching it!

Sesame Street Healthy Food Clip

Can you work out what the Cookie Monster is singing about?

Friday, April 10, 2009

Check out our Cute Cress Caterpillars!

The egg caterpillar has got silver antennae. The caterpillar is blue. IR

The eyes are red. The body is blue and the antennae are gold. BH

It has red eyes. CA

The boy has long antennae. It's got long cress seeds. AL

The blue caterpillar has a blue body. It has red eyes. MR

There is a boy and a girl caterpillar. The boy caterpillar is blue and the girl caterpillar is pink. The boy caterpillar has gold antennae and the girl caterpillarhas silver anetennae. The girl caterpillar has purple eyes and the boy caterpillar has red eyes. KND
There is a boy caterpillar with gold antennae and a girl caterpillar with silver antennae. HW
The caterpillar has gold antennae. They are gold and silver and there are blue bodies for the bodies and there are some eggs. PM

The girl caterpillar is pink. CN
The egg carton is pink. It is a girl caterpillar. It has purple eyes. SB
The girl caterpillar is pink. JMC

Planting seeds for our caterpillars

We planted some seeds in an egg shell. JMC

I put some seeds in and I saw a beetle in the soil. I put some water on the soil. SB

I put paper in my egg shell. BH

We planted some seeds in the egg carton. AL

I planted seeds. CN

We planted some seeds in the egg shell. GV

I planted seeds in the egg shell. ES

I put some paper in the bottom. HW

Planting seeds for our caterpillars

I saw a worm. It was red. It made new soil. MR

Planting seeds for our caterpillars

I found a gray beetle in the soil. It was little. The plant is growing big. IR

Planting seeds for our caterpillars

We planted seeds in the egg carton. One was painted blue and one was painted pink. The blue one was for the boys. The one that was pink was for the girls. I had so much fun. KND

Planting seeds for our caterpillars

I planted a cress seed then it grew some leaves. PM